Thursday 3 October 2013

1F25 Blog Response 1: Media Impact on Others

From what I have read everyone seems to view mass media the same way I do. I’m glad to see everyone views the mass media the same way but it was nice to see everyone’s point of view on the issue.  A lot of students used their own experiences to show how mass media controls many of our lives.

With so much of our entertainment based on following what famous people do, it is easy to get caught up in the latest fads or trends quite easily.

In Cale McDonald’s blog he viewed mass media in a very similar way I did and talk about how role models and famous people can change who we are. I agree with this completely because most people in North America watch TV or read magazines. Due to the influence of famous people in TV and all over the covers of magazines, when seeing them you always want to know what they’re doing or when they’ll appear next on a show or in a movie. I also do this and was not aware of it until I started this blog and because of how media has affected me I probably won’t stop.

“In the news many issues and world events get blown up. Many people see this as a bad thing and have a pessimistic view on this, but this is a good thing.”

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Karly McInnis’s blog because she made many good points about how the media is good for us rather than the negative views people have about it. I agree with her about it being a good thing and that she “has a right to know.” She does have a right to know and so do I, I like when the media updates me on current world events. When playing sports we often talk about teams from the US and we learn about them through the media.

I run into the problem of “which source is telling me the truth?”

After reading Chris Garofalo’s blog I noticed he had the same thoughts I did about not knowing who to believe when information is released from media. This is true because with so many ways to release information such as Facebook, Twitter or even a blog a lot of the information being conveyed could be false. I don’t agree with people letting out false accusations but it happens and with so much access to the media there is always a chance for this to occur.

It was nice to see that everyone had the same view and that we all agreed. Some the blogs made me think about personal experiences and how media affected me and brought new thoughts into the equation. I enjoyed seeing other peoples personal experiences and comparing them to my own. In conclusion after reading many classmates’ blogs my view has not changed and that media affects us all in various ways. 

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